Tucson Presidio Museum

Cultural and Living History Events

Living History Days

The Presidio Museum’s Living History Days brings the Presidio alive allowing visitors to get a feel for what life in the Presidio would have been like during the late 18th-century New Spain Period and the 19th-century Territorial Period. A variety of demonstrations, including blacksmithing, food preparation and tasting, soldier drills and cannon firing, and Presidio-era children’s games, can be enjoyed at each event. Each Living History Day also features a theme with unique activities, making each event worth attending whether or not you have previously attended.

To see our upcoming Living History Days, please go to the Events Calendar. Choose “Living History Days” in the left column and click “Filter” at the top.


Cultural Events

The Presidio Museum’s Cultural Events celebrate our rich heritage and how Tucson has come to have the vibrant culture it enjoys today. Hours of each event vary. Check our Calendar of Events for more details.

***March 29, 2025 – Native Nations Day 
Celebrate the culture and history of the local indigenous tribes with demonstrations, performances performances by Tohono O’odham and Apache dance groups, and a craft market.
**August 23, 2025 – 250+ Celebration of All Things S-cuk Son/Tucson 
Recognizing the August 20, 1775, founding date of the Presidio San Agustín and celebrating our thousands of years of history and culture