Tucson Presidio museum

Education & Outreach

Educational opportunities at both the Presidio and Fort Lowell Museums

The Tucson Presidio Trust offers educational opportunities at both the Presidio and Fort Lowell Museums for public schools, charter schools, private schools, homeschoolers, and other groups from October-April as well as outreach opportunities with community partners. All children’s educational programs and tours at both the Presidio and Fort Lowell Museums are by reservation only. For more information on education and outreach opportunities contact contact Ginger Thompson, Education and Community Engagement Manager, at gingert@tucsonpresidio.com for more information.

Program 1: Morning Muster at the Presidio (registration closed for 2024/2025 school year)

On-Site Live Field Trip Approximately 2 hours
Accommodates 8-40 participants, not including chaperones.
$5 per child and chaperones free
Contact our Education and Community Engagement Manager,
Ginger Thompson, gingert@tucsonpresidio.com.

The Morning Muster program is offered at the Presidio Museum (for information on Fort Lowell Museum field trips visit https://tucsonpresidio.com/fort-lowell/ ) on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (depending on volunteer availability). This program supports Common Core curriculum for Arizona 3rd and 4th graders but its small size allows for flexibility, it can be adapted for 3rd through 12th grades or to focus on a specific topic (ex: cultures of Tucson). Each museum offers different activities and different information. Teachers will work with a Presidio Trust staff member to customize a program that best suites their students’ needs. You will receive educational materials prior to your scheduled program to use to prepare your students for their field trip.

During your on-site visit your class will usually be broken into smaller groups to rotate through 4 stations that may include the following (depending on volunteer availability):    

  • Cochineal paint making  
  • Games and toys
  • The life of a Presidio soldier
  • Tinsmithing
  • Interactive tour of the fort
  • Scavenger hunt
  • Etc…

The minimum grade level for the Morning Muster is 3rd grade. The cost is $5 per student and chaperones are free. Information on our need based scholarships available upon request.

Program 2: Friday at the Fort at the Presidio (registration closed for 2024/2025 school year)

On-Site Live Field Trip Approximately 3.5 hours
Accommodates 50-75 participants, not including chaperones. $5 per child and chaperones free
Contact our Education Coordinator, Wolf Whitney-Hul, at wolfwh@PresidioMuseum.com

A Presidio Trust staff member/volunteer will make two appointments with your group. The first will be for an in-person or virtual visit at your location for a 30-45 minute age-appropriate presentation covering the history of the Presidio Museum. The second will be for the on-site portion of the field trip on a Friday. This field trip supports Common Core curriculum for Arizona 3rd and 4th graders.

For the on-site portion of your field trip your group will arrive at the Presidio and receive a brief recap of the history of the Presidio and Tucson. Then your group will be broken into smaller groups to rotate through several stations for approximately 3.5 hours. Stations may include the following (based on volunteer availability)

  • Chores of early Tucson settlers     
  • Tinsmithing activity and blacksmithing demo     
  • Games children played before screens
  • The life of a Presidio soldier
  • Calligraphy
  • How to make adobe bricks
  • Tortilla making 

Friday at the Fort is restricted to 3rd and 4th grade students and only takes place on Fridays. Spaces are limited and fill up quickly.

Program 3: Museum in a Box

Week-long box checkout for up to 30 students.

FEE PER BOX: $30 a week

Contact our Education and Community Engagement Manager, Ginger Thompson, at gingert@tucsonpresidio.com

In this program, you can rent an activity box that will have a teacher packet, materials, and the supplies for the registered number of children (up to 30). Some kits require some items to be supplied by the school. Provided directions will help teachers/parents to run an activity with their participants. Two box themes are available. Theme 1 is conducted without Presidio Museum staff interaction, however Theme 2 REQUIRES an in-person presentation when the box is delivered. Both themes must be scheduled in advance.

Theme 1: A Day in the Life of A Presidio Child

Boxes available for rental are:

  • Children’s chores 
  • Tinsmithing
  • Toys and Games
  • Calligraphy
  • Art of Tucson
  • Archaeology

This theme is conducted without in-person Presidio Museum staff interaction.

Theme 2: Historic Hats of Arizona

(Theme 2 requires an in-person presentation by a Presidio Museum staff member when the box is delivered)

Your group will identify the hats in the box and do further investigation on the individual who would have worn that hat.  Your group will learn about the individuals from four different time periods:

  • Early peoples  (Before 1500’s)
  • Spanish Period (1500’s – 1821)
  • Mexican Period )1821 – 1854)
  • American Period (1854-present)

And will learn about the roles of

  • Women
  • Military
  • Workers and merchants of various ethnicities
  • Religious individuals

**Theme 2 requires an in-person presentation by a Presidio Museum staff member when the box is delivered.

Program 4: Hands-On History – At Fort Lowell Museum

On-Site field trip approximately 2 hours
Accommodates 8-40 participants, not including chaperones.
$5 per child and chaperones free
Contact our Education and Community Engagement Manager:
Ginger Thompson gingert@tucsonpresidio.com or
Click here to register online.

The Hands on History at Fort Lowell program is offered on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (depending on volunteer availability). This program supports Common Core curriculum for Arizona 3rd and 4th graders, but its small size allows for flexibility. It can be adapted for 3rd through 12th grades and/or to focus on a specific topic (ex: cultures of Tucson). Teachers will work with a Tucson Presidio Trust staff member to customize a program that best suits their students’ needs. You will receive educational materials prior to your scheduled program with a confirmation letter to use to prepare your students for their field trip.

During your on-site visit your class will be broken into smaller groups to rotate through 4 stations that may include the following (depending on volunteer availability):

  • Archaeology of Tucson
  • Telegraph Comes to Tucson
  • Baseball Comes to Tucson 
  • History of Mining with a panning activity (you keep what you find)
  • Scavenger hunt
  • Etc…

The minimum grade level for Hands-on History is 3rd grade. The cost is $5 per student and chaperones are free. Information on our need-based scholarships available upon request.