Tucson Presidio Museum
Free Videos and Resources
We have activities for all age groups.
Teachers/Parents: This is a free video resource to share with your students. It features storyteller and docent Jean Baxter telling about the history of Tucson’s fort. Please check out all our on-site and off-site options and register for a program!
Use the questions below as a guide with your students.
Story 1: “Two Men Were Walking”
Look for answers to these questions:
- Who lived in the Tucson basin first?
- Who are considered to be modern-day Tucson’s founders?
- Why was this site chosen?
- When is Tucson’s birthday?
Story 2: “Sweetie The Rooster”
Look for answers to these questions:
- From where did Tucson’s first soldiers and Spanish families come?
- What was their journey like?
- What were children’s lives like in early Tucson?
Thank you to our partners at the University of Arizona Center for Digital Humanities and to the sponsor of this project Arizona Humanities.