Contribution Amount * Purchase an engraved brick - $ 135.00 Purchase 2 engraved bricks - $ 270.00 Purchase 3 engraved bricks - $ 405.00 Purchase 4 engraved bricks - $ 540.00 Purchase 5 engraved bricks - $ 675.00 Purchase 10 engraved bricks - $ 1,350.00 Total Amount Email Address * Your Engraving Please click on button and enter engraving text here. Up to three lines of text, up to 16 characters on each line. (20 is the absolute limit.) Bricks are standard size (4” x 8”) and lettering will be approximately ½” tall in black. Brick Engraving Details Select an option to reveal honoree information fields. Purchaser First Name * Purchaser Last Name * Brick Engraving Details Line One * Brick Engraving Details Line Two * Brick Engraving Details Line Three * Review your contribution